November 13, 2023


                                                       November 13, 2023

President, Cheryl McAskill called the meeting to order at 9:34 am.

She led the members in a Pledge of Allegiance.

There was an attendance of 45 members. Cheryl McAskill called on Membership Chairs (Carrie Berry, Phyllis Godwin and Marcia Werneke) to announce new members and visitors present.
Guests were Beth Meyer, Rhonda Harrington, Linda Gregg and Eileen Wagner. Both Linda and Eileen signed up for membership. All were welcomed.

The speaker, Rachel Tipton from Harbourside Garden in Bayboro, gave members a wonderful demonstration on how to rearrange an outside planter with natural greens for a seasonal Christmas look. Everyone enjoyed her presentation and scrambled to be the first to be the one to buy the planter she created.

Cheryl McAskill reported that the secretary, Yvonne Meissner’s October 2023 General Meeting report was sent out to the membership. There was a motion for approval (Maury Thompson/Jean Paladini) which was carried.

Treasurer, Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $7047.34 as of October 31, 2023.

It was reported that the Scarecrow Contest and Floral Arrangement sale raised $243.00; the 50/50 drawing $74.50 and the merchandise table sold $103.00 worth of items last month. The Craft Fair raffle tickets amounted to $333.00 and the amount of raffle tickets sold at the Trunk or Treat was $25.00.

The last of the Floral Arrangements were put up for sale at the meeting.
Final proceeds still TBD.

Cheryl thanked Dorothy Jones for being a great vocal promoter at the Craft Fair and her help in the sale of Raffle Baskets tickets. The Raffle Basket fundraiser brought in $538.00.
*The winners were: Future Wine Basket – Yvonne Meissner
*Wine and Cheese Basket – Annette Wagner
*Spa Basket – Sue Jones

Cheryl thanked members for the pine cones that had been dropped off but said that as many more were still needed for the Pine Cone Rolling event the following day.

Sandy Riggs asked for volunteers to help her with the set up of coffee at the General Meetings.

She had a sign-up sheet for those who would like to participate in the FHPOA Christmas parade to be held on December 3rd . She has candy striped hats for sale ($1.50) and asks those who will be participating with golf carts, bikes, etc. to decorate in the “Candy Cane” theme. Line up is at 1:30 pm at the Cart Barn.

Barbara Paulsen stated that the Webb site, is shaping up nicely and that she is still working on some refinements.

After another appeal for a Beacon Articles Chair person, Pamela Dion volunteered. Thank you Pamela!

Barbara reported that the Scarecrow Team C had won the competition and that she wanted to thank those who had worked on the scarecrow creation “Pilgrim with Turkey.” Kathy Trexler,
Carrie Berry, Joy Harson, Phyllis Godwin, Marcia Werneke and Ann Thomas.

Barb urged members to think about where in the Club members would like to volunteer as the Nominating Committee will be contacting members in the new year as to in what capacity they
would like to serve the Club as we all need to stand up and stay involved to keep the Club running well.

Lucille Durst raffled off two Christmas cactuses for this month’s door prizes. The winners were: Cheryl Stevenson and Pamela Dion.

Jean Paladini shared information with the Club that this is still a good time to buy and plant bulbs. Check out sales at

Pam Dion announced that the Yard of the Month winners are Rusty and Peggy Hastings at 207 Chateau Drive. Congratulations.

There was a motion to adjourn at 10:42 am (Hazel Alcock/Jean Palladini) the Ayes carried the motion.

Respectfully submitted
Yvonne Meissner