Membership & Committees

How to become a Member of the FHGC

The Fairfield Harbour Garden Club is open to all members of the community; not just residents of Fairfield Harbour.  The membership/fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.  

Meetings are held monthly, the second Monday of the month, at 9:30 a.m. at the Fairfield Harbor Community Center.

No meetings are held in July, August, and December.

The annual dues (July through June) are $20.00 a year per household


2024 – 2025 FHGC OFFICERS

  • President – Barbara Paulsen
  • 1st Vice President – Jan Reitzel
  • 2nd Vice President – Jane Haeussler
  • Treasurer – Vacant
  • Assistant Treasurer – Vacant
  • Secretary – Yvonne Meissner
  • Corresponding Secretary – Kathy Hallquist

FHGC Committee Chairs – 2024 – 2025


  • Jane Haeussler – Chair
  • Kathy Hallquist

Beacon Articles 

  • Pamela Dion

Garden Day Trip 

  • Kathy Hallquist

Community Center Flowerpots  

  • Corrine Burton 

Door Prizes-

  • Lucille Durst           

 FHGC Raffle Basket 

  •  Janet Jonah
  • Linda Gregg    


  • Barbara Paulsen

Harvest Pot Luck (October Meeting)

  • TBD

Historian/ Librarian

  • Robin Biondi  

 Holiday Events

  • Pinecone Bird Feeders
    • Carrie Berry
  • Christmas Tree Decoration
    • Jane Haeussler 
  • Parade- First Sunday in December

Horticulture – Master Gardener

  • Jean Pallidini


  • Marcia Werneke
  • Phyllis Godwin 

Merchandise Table

  • Pam Kubik
  • Jan Reitzel


  • Robin Biondi
  • Robin Gale

 Plant Divisions

  • Carolyn Barry


  • Jan Reitzel


  • Hazel Alcock

Recognition Luncheon

  • Jane Haeussler


  • Barbara Paulsen

Yard of the Month

  • Pam Dion


  • Paula Zimmerman
  • Menta Fannon

Year End Social (Held at the June Meeting)

  • Board Members

FHGC Committee Chair Descriptions


  • Annually in July
  • Audit Chairperson is the 2nd VP.  The Committee is the Corr. Sec. and a third member to be appointed by the President.
  • Reviews Treasurer’s records of Checkbook Stubs, Statements, Receipts, & Vouchers
  • Start with the Beginning Balance as of July 1.
  • Everything should agree after reviewing the Treasurer’s records from July 1 to June 30.
  • Give a written Audit Report to President, Treasurer and Secretary when completed and found in order.
  • Return all Audit Materials to the Treasurer

Beacon Writer

The Beacon is published monthly. 

Articles should include:

  • An overview of the monthly meeting if held in that month.
  • Include pictures of the meeting if appropriate.
    • These pictures should be obtained from the photographer.
  • Include information about the upcoming meeting – including date, time and speaker or activity.
  • Include information on additional Garden Club events that may be of interest to FH General Population
  • Articles should be submitted in Word, via email, as an attachment.
  • Pictures should be attached separately. 

Article may also include:

  • An article from the President
  • An article on some aspect of gardening
  • Other as appropriate and of interest about the Garden Club

Garden Visit Day Trip

  • Choose Gardens to Visit
  • Arranges for transportation
  • Collects money for trip

 Door Prizes

  • September – June
  • Purchase Door Prize for monthly meetings
  • Hand out Raffle tickets at meetings

 FH Autumn Raffle Baskets

The Craft Fair is usually the second or third Saturday in October. 


Have a protective (lidded) box on front porch to collect dropped off items or monetary donations.


  • Set price for raffle tickets
  • Start to collect at meeting items for baskets. Pass an envelope for monetary donations from Club Members. 
  • Budget is $100.00 – this goes towards shrink-wrap, tissue, wide ribbon for bows, and towards items for the inside of baskets.
  • Collected monies from membership are used to purchase items needed for baskets.
  • Shop for items to add to baskets, if needed. Fill and decorate baskets for the raffle.
  • Secure a space from FHPOA Craft Fair Committee Chair to set up and display baskets for raffle sales.


  • Have baskets at the October Garden Club Meeting and sell raffle tickets
  • Set up at the FH Craft Fair


  • At the November meeting sell tickets.  Last chance to purchase tickets
  • Drawing is at the end of the Meeting. 
  • Notify Winners (not present) and ask winners to collect their Won basket!
  • Thank all who volunteered their time and help in getting the baskets ready.

All monies, when collected, are given to the Treasurer, with the date, amount and name of the person giving the money.

Submit your Reimbursement Voucher and the receipts to the Treasurer for reimbursement.


  • September thru June
  • Attend monthly Board Meeting
  • Provide Chairman with monthly Flyers to members


  • All Year Long
  • Maintains binders of all Club Activities
    •  including Beacon Articles, Photos & Flyers
  • Maintain Garden Club Library

Holiday Events

  • November & December 
  • Make Pine Cone feeders to pass out in the FH Christmas Parade
  • Decorate the Community Center Christmas Tree
  • Organize for the Christmas Parade

 Horticulture/Master Gardener Liaison

  • September-June
  • Botanical resource for Gardens in the FH Community


  • All Year Long
  • Maintain list of all active Membership
  • Hand out Membership Applications at monthly meetings
  • Pass out and collect back name tags at all monthly meetings


  • All Year Long
  • Establish educational Programs, for the monthly meeting


  • March-May
  • Contact Local HS Counselors to solicit Applicants for Scholarship
  • Review applications and select a recipient
  • Present Scholarship at President’s Luncheon (May)

 Ways & Means (Merchandise Table)

  • September-June
  • Sell garden appropriate items at monthly meetings
  • Order new items as required

 Yard of the Month

  • May – October
  • Organize committee to drive through FH monthly to select Yard of the Month winner
  • Recognize Winner at monthly meetings
  • Provide photo & article for Beacon


  • Create and Distribute Annual Yearbook