Fairfield Harbor Garden Club General Meeting
President Barbara Paulsen called the meeting to order at 9:32am.
There were 65 people attending and Minta Fallon handed out directories to any paid members present.
Barbara led the members in a pledge of Allegiance.
Phyllis Godwin announced that we had six visitors and Barbara welcomed them. (Terry Jo Parkin, Susan Moore, Doris Dean, Mary Cooper, Suzanne Tannaro and Dena Van Drien).
Our speakers for the day were Bob Forsyth and Mary McLean who gave a presentation on weeds which was very informative and was appreciated by all.
Secretary Yvonne Meissner reminded the members that the minutes from the November General Meeting had been published on the FHGC Website and asked for approval. There was a motion for approval (SN/MF) which was carried.
Eileen Wagner reported that at the end of December, 2024, there was a balance of $4,017.75 in the checkbook.
Kathy Hallquist informed the Board that she had sent a note card to Phyllis Godwin in regards to her mother. Kathy requested that members would inform her of any need of “Sunshine” for any FHGC member.
Barbara reported that the FHGC had presented in the POA Christmas parade with herself and Pat LePera-Manfredi carrying the FHGC banner and two golf carts following. The handing out of bird seed encrusted pine cones was well received and she thanked Carolyn Miller for organizing that event. She thanked Jane Haeussler and her team (Jean Paladini and Jenny McDiarmid) for a great job decorating the Christmas tree at the Community Center.
Barbara informed the members of the $1,000 that Audrey Von Nolan’s estate has donated towards the FHGC Scholarship Fund.
Hazel Alcock has updated the Scholarship Application, in particular a change was made to no longer require applicants to supply a photo of themselves. Hazel explained that they hoped to include a wider qualifying group of applicants. Application may be sent to Mrs. Hazel Alcock at 107 Walnut Way, New Bern, 29560, e-mail at [email protected], or call her for information at 252-514-7303 ©.
Kathy Hallquist gave members the details for the May 6th Garden Club Day Trip to Carolina Home and Garden in Newport, NC. Those that wish to carpool will meet in Community Center Parking Lot. More information to follow.
In February there will be a Merchandise Raffle with tickets sold at the February and March General Meetings, and a drawing to be held in the Spring.
Jan and Paula have scheduled the Tea Social for March 21st at the Benjamin Ellis House Bed and Breakfast. The cost for the Tea is $25 (revised 1/20/25: $35.00) and there is a limit of 20 participants.
Barbara will put out another survey by e-mail next month to get the opinion of the members, to their social requests/ suggestions and opinions in regard to the Club.
The speaker for the next meeting, February 6, 2025, will be David Hite, Tryon Palace Gardeners, presenting “Crop Rotation”.
Lucille handed out Garden Flags and Solar Garden Stake Lights as door prizes. The winners were: Sharon Nash, Jane Haeussler, Pat LePera-Manfredi and Judy DuPree.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:49 am. (JR/HA)
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Meissner