October 14, 2024


October 14th, 2024

This Harvest Potluck meeting was held at Fairfield Harbour Red Sail Park due to a scheduling conflict. Lucille Durst had lovely center piece arrangements decorating the tables, which were raffled off at the end of the meeting.

The president, Barbara Paulsen called the meeting to order at 9:38 am.

There was an attendance of 28 members. Marcia Werneke introduced guest Dawna Casebier who was welcomed.

Yvonne informed the members that the September General Meeting minutes had been posted on the web site and asked for approval of the minutes. There was a motion (Ginger Thompson/Lucille Durst) which was carried.

Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $3487.93 in the check book as of September 30th, 2024. Interest on the Money Market account was $13.49 and tickets for the Raffle Baskets had brought in $117.00 at the Fairfield Harbour Parking Lot Sale.

Linda Gregg and Janet Jonah displayed the Raffle Baskets at the meeting and were selling tickets.

Jan and Minta are ready to finalize the entries for the Yearbook and informed members that only those who had paid their dues will be included.

Kathy Hallquist is putting together the day trip to the Eastern NC Garden Center in Newport scheduled for the first week in May. She will present more plans at the November General Meeting.

The Yard of the Month winners are Jeff and Kris Thompson residing at 915 Bee Street.

Barbara Paulsen made another appeal for volunteers to fill the Assistant Treasurer position and another to chair the Christmas Parade to be held on December 1st in the Harbour.

Barbara explained to the members that the Board had discussed combining the President’s Luncheon and the June Breakfast Buffet. The members agreed to a Recognition Luncheon in place thereof.

There was a sign-up sheet for volunteers at the Scarecrow Contest which will be held on October 26th at the Craft Fair. All funds raised will benefit the FHGC Scholarship Fund.

At the September General Meeting, President Barbara Paulsen presented the members with the proposed changes to the FHGC By-laws. These have also been outlined on the FHGC web site.

A line-by-line vote was taken on the proposed changes. There was a unanimous vote to accept the changes as proposed.

Eileen Wagner presented a Tupperware demonstration. A percentage of all sales will go to the benefit of the FHGC. She will accept orders up to October 21st with no shipping charges to the members.

There was a motion to adjourn at 10:05 am (Sharon Nash/Maury Thompson) the Ayes carried the motion.

A bountiful spread was enjoyed by all present.

Respectfully submitted

Yvonne Meissner
