June 10, 2024


June 10th, 2024

The president, Cheryl McAskill called the meeting to order at 9:31 am.

There were 41 members in attendance.

She led the members in a Pledge of Allegiance. Cheryl McAskill called on Membership Chair, Phyllis Godwin to announce new members and visitors present. Both Allen Loh and Janet Jonah joined the meeting as new members.

Secretary, Yvonne Meissner reported that the May 2024 General Meeting report was posted on the FHGC website. There was a motion for approval (Maury Thompson/Dorothy Jones) which was carried.

Treasurer, Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $7447.34 as of May 31, 2024. She informed the members that the check to the Harbour Point Grill in the amount of $550 for the President’s Luncheon, was still outstanding.

Cheryl informed the members that the Audit Committee (Jane Haeussler, Kathy Hallquist and Lucille Durst) would be doing an accounting this July and that the same Committee would serve in that capacity for the 2024- 2025 fiscal year.

She stated that she had received volunteers for the as yet vacant Committee Chair openings.

The YOM winners for June are Mark and Cindy Shiplett at 113 Argosy Drive.

Hazel Alcock welcomed all members to her garden at 107 Walnut Way for a Garden Tour after the meeting.

There was a 50/50 drawing. Jan Reitzel was the winner of $47.00 and the likewise amount went to the Scholarship Fund.

Cheryl performed an Installation of Officers ceremony and congratulated the new Board Members:

President – Barbara Paulsen

1st Vice President – Jan Reitzel

2nd Vice President – Jane Haeussler

Secretary – Yvonne Meissner

Corresponding Secretary – Kathy Hallquist

Assistant Treasurer – Rhonda Harrington

Treasurer, Julia Sherman who was absent, will be installed on a later date.

Jane Haeussler and Barbara Paulsen thanked Cheryl McAskill for her 3 years of service as president and presented her with a plant.

Cheryl informed members that the Craven County Extension at 300 Industrial Drive, New Bern, are hosting a presentation, “Hosta, Ferns and Companion Plants,” put on by Bob and Suzanne Forsythe on June 15th. You can tour the Woodland Garden, started by Audrey Von Dolln after the presentation.

There was a Brunch Social after the meeting. Cheryl thanked Sandy Riggs for staging the event and Sandy thanked all her helpers.

There was a motion to adjourn at 10:00 am (Sandy Riggs/ Maury Thompson) the Ayes carried the motion.

Respectfully submitted

Yvonne Meissner
