April 8, 2024


April 8th, 2024

The president, Cheryl McAskill called the meeting to order at 9:32 am.

She led the members in a Pledge of Allegiance.

There was an attendance of 39 members. Cheryl McAskill called on Membership Chair, Phyllis Godwin to announce new members and visitors present. Guests were Charlotte Brady, Dana Friend and Allan Loh our latest new member. All were welcomed.

Our speaker was Christine Stoughton Root, a Bird Watcher and Bird Photographer, who gave a very informative presentation with a slide show and amusing quips.

Secretary, Yvonne Meissner reported that the March 2024 General Meeting report was posted on the FHGC website. There was a motion for approval (Pam Kubik/Maury Thompson) which was carried.

Treasurer, Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $7491.85 as of March 31, 2024. She gave members an accounting of the FHGC Annual Budget (this year at $4500) and accompanied this with a slide show, and explained our Operating Budget with its shortfalls. She gave members suggestions as to how the Club could increase its revenue and received many suggestions from the members. All agreed that dues need to be increased. The Board will take all in advisement and decide on a reasonable dues increase.

The Nominating Committee informed the members that they would be meeting on April 9th and would present a slate of Officers to the Board. Cheryl made a special appeal to the members to attend the May General Meeting when a vote will be taken to approve all Nominations.

Jane Haeussler and Lucille Durst will be passing the running of the Merchandise Table on to Jan Reitzel and Pam Kubik. There was a drawing for the winner of the Spring Raffle. Pam Kubik went home with the lovely Gardener’s Bench, Toolbox and other miscellaneous gardening items.

Jane Haeussler shared information regarding a Spring Native Plant Tour held by Craven County Volunteer Master Gardeners on April 27th at the Battlefield Trail in New Bern.

The Bus Trip scheduled for May 14th to Sarah Duke Gardens in Durham, has had a very low response. Sandy Riggs informed the members that unless she gets another 25 + members to sign up in the next week that she would have to cancel the outing.

There was a sign-up sheet for the President’s Luncheon scheduled for May 13th at the Harbour Pointe Restaurant. To date only a handful of members had signed up.

A dozen or so members have signed up for the Afternoon Tea organized by Jan Reitzel and Paula Saihati to be held at the Benjamin Ellis House B&B on April 23rd.

Cheryl McAskill displayed an updated poster board outlining the various Committees and what it takes to Chair them. She urges members to take a more active part in the Club and volunteer to help.

This month’s door prizes were Potted Dahlias. The winners were Anne Thomas, Sharon Nash and Ginger Thompson.

There was a motion to adjourn at 11:13 am (Sandy Riggs/Jim Biondi) the Ayes carried the motion.

Respectfully submitted

Yvonne Meissner
