March 11, 2024


 March 11th, 2024

The president, Cheryl McAskill called the meeting to order at 9:33 am.

She led the members in a Pledge of Allegiance.

There was an attendance of 37 members. Cheryl McAskill called on Membership Chair, Phyllis Godwin to announce new members and visitors present. Guests were Lynne Conant and Martin Kampith. All were welcomed.

Secretary, Yvonne Meissner reported that the February 2024 General Meeting report was sent out to the membership. There was a motion for approval (Hazel Alcock/Jan Reitzel) which was carried.

Treasurer, Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $7408.72 as of February 29, 2024. She will give members an account of the FHGC Financial Balances at the April General Meeting.

In absence of Correspondence Secretary, Kathy Halquist, Cheryl McAskill told the members that Kathy had sent out a Retirement Card to Tom Glasgow and a Sympathy card to Claire Ostrowsky in honor of her brother’s passing. She informed the members that Sandy Riggs’ mother had passed away this past week.

On behalf of Pam Kubik who was absent due to illness, Cheryl reported that there will be no Garden Tour at Hazel’s garden next April. Hazel extends her invitation to visit to May when she will have returned from her trip to the Netherlands. Christine Stoughton Root, a Bird Watcher/Photographer will present in April instead.

Barbara Paulsen thanked the members for filling out the surveys of which 27 had responded. Comments were “cell phone needs silencing” and “less chatter during presentations.”

Barbara encouraged members to go into the FHGC website and click on “About” to experience all the information that is posted and available.

She reported that the Nominating Committee (Phyllis Godwin, Pam Kubik, Carolyn Berry and Robin Gale) is accepting Nominations, and she made another appeal for members to consider and nominate a member that might be suitable for the various open Board positions.

Spring Raffle tickets will be sold at the March and April General Meeting as well as the April 6th POA Spring Yard Sale. The drawing will be held at the end of the April General Meeting. Cheryl reminded members that the proceeds from the Raffles and the Plant Sales go towards the Scholarship Fund.

There were sign-up sheets for the Bus Trip scheduled for May 14th to Sarah Duke Gardens in Durham. The cost is $62.00 with an additional $2.00 for the five members who want to take a tour on the trolley. There will be an opportunity to buy lunch in the Duke’s Food Court and there will be a stop in Goldsboro to visit the Carey’s Nursery.

There were sign-up sheets for the President’s Luncheon scheduled for May 13th at the Harbour Pointe Restaurant. The cost for lunch is $25.00 and a cash bar will be available. Forms filled out with your choice of entrée (Chicken Marsala, Shrimp Alfredo and Vegetable Primavera), together with your check are to be delivered to Sandy Riggs.

This month’s door prize winners were: Kathy Fuller and Hazel Alcock.

In place of a speaker, Master Gardeners Hazel Alcock, Jane Haeussler and Lucille Durst, hosted a “Question and Answer” forum. Barbara Paulsen organized the members in 12 teams of three to run a Flower IQ competition.

There was good participation from the members, and both were enjoyed thoroughly.

There was a motion to adjourn at 11:00 am (Hazel Alcock/Sharon Nash) the Ayes carried the motion.

Respectfully submitted

Yvonne Meissner
