February 12, 2024


                                                            February 12th, 2024

The president, Cheryl McAskill called the meeting to order at 9:33 am.

She led the members in a Pledge of Allegiance.

There was an attendance of 41 members. Cheryl McAskill called on Membership Chairs (Carrie Berry, Phyllis Godwin and Marcia Werneke) to announce new members and visitors present. Debbie Mikuta our guest signed up for membership as did Barbara Lewis, a returning member. Both were welcomed.

The speaker, Laura Lewis from the Craven/Pamlico Beekeepers gave an interesting presentation on the various varieties of bees and the workings of a hive and their honey production. Everyone enjoyed her presentation which was followed by an active questions period.

Secretary, Yvonne Meissner reported that the January 2024 General Meeting report was sent out to the membership. There was a motion for approval (Hazel Alcock/Pam Kubik) which was carried.

Treasurer Jan Reitzel reported that there is a balance of $7399.25 as of January 31, 2024.

Jan gave an excellent presentation to explain to the members how the proceeds from various fundraisers feed the Scholarship Fund.

Hazel Alcock has sent out all information regarding the Scholarship Application to the Craven/Pamlico High School Counselors.

Correspondence Secretary, Kathy Halquist told the members that she had sent out a Get Well card to Carol Lindtveit and a Sympathy card to the family of Jackie Moniak’s family. A Remembrance Luncheon will be held on February 18th at 1:00 pm at Blackbeard Sailing Club. A RSVP is requested to Evelyn Thompson at [email protected].

Barbara Paulsen thanked the members for filling out the surveys of which 31 were handed in. She said that they expressed various concerns and told the members that the Board would address them.

She reported that the Nominating Committee (Phyllis Godwin, Pam Kubik, Carolyn Berry and Robin Gale) had met in January and that there would be a form at the February and March General Meetings for anyone who wishes to nominate someone they think might be perfect for any of the open positions. The Committee will meet in April and make an announcement in May when there will be a last opportunity for nominations from the Floor.

Jane Haeussler and Lucille Durst had a display of a lovely Bench and Tool Bag, the prize for the next Raffle. Tickets will be sold at the March and April General Meeting as well as the April 6th POA Spring Yard Sale. The drawing will be held at the end of the April General Meeting.

 Jane shared that the website plantsdelights.com/pages/open-nursery-and-garden-dates is a wonderful site for information.

Also, the CC Master Gardeners are hosting a “Reptile and Amphibians in your Backyard” on February 24th from 10:00 am to noon.

This is a presentation put on by the Herpetology Club from NC State University.

Hazel Alcock informed members that there is no Cottonseed Meal available this year.

Sandy Riggs is working on the details for the Bus Trip scheduled for May 14th to Sarah Duke Gardens in Durham.

She will be meeting with the manager at The Point restaurant regarding the President’s Luncheon scheduled for May 13th and she will have more information regarding this and the Bus Trip at the next General Meeting.

Lucille Durst raffled off three wind chimes for this month’s door prizes. The winners were: Barbara Paulsen, Cindy Scalion and Donna Calliari.

There was a motion to adjourn at 10:51 am (Pam Kubik/Jane Haeussler) the Ayes carried the motion.

Respectfully submitted

Yvonne Meissner
